Monday, January 19, 2015


Tanggal 31 Desember 2014, kami bersama keluarga. Ada nenek, keluarga mas Nico, keluarga Bulek Ambar, keluarga Bulek Atik semua berkumpul menjadi satu.
Kami serombongan menuju ke Pantai Klayar, ternyata sampai di sana hujan turun. Kami semua menuruni pantai dengan memakai ojek karena jalan cukup licin.
Sesampai di pantai kami mencari suara seruling dan hembusan air yang bisa membuat anak menjadi tertawa karena terkena air hingga kita menjadi basah. Setelah puas, kami melanjutkan ke Gua Gong yang letaknya tidak jauh dari pantai. Di sini hanya anak-anak yang turun ke Gua Gong, yang lain berada di Parkiran. Setelah itu kami melanjutkan ke Semarang tetapi dari keluarga mas Nico tidak ikut ke Semarang, hanya sama nenek dan Bulek Atik. Kami berpisah di Sukoharjo kemudian melanjutkan ke Semarang. . Kami sampai di Semarang jam 10.00 malam.
Kami bertemu dengan keluarga dokter Andreas di Semarang dengan selamat. Kemudian anak-anak bermain di Simpang Lima untuk merayakan tahun baru. Wow, alangkah indahnya kota Semarang yang gemerlap dengan kembang api. Esok paginya kami berkemas-kemas untuk pulang ke Sragen, tetapi masih menengok saudara di Salatiga sesampai di Salatiga kami pulang ke Sragen dengan selamat.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

sejarah monas (tugas 2-golek uwig-adol ngelmu :P)

Indonesia National Monument or what Indonesian and Jakarta people usually call as Monas is a monument built to remember the struggle of Indonesian heroes fighting the colonial domination. Monas was built based on the idea of the first president of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno, with the help of Sudarsono and F. Silaban as the architect, and Ir. Rooseno as the consultant. It’s builts on an area with a width of 80 hectares. Monas was officially open on 17th August 1961 by President Soekarno, and publicly open on 12th July 1971.
The top of Monas shaped like a flame, symbolizing a never extinguished spirit of Indonesian people. The flame was made of bronze medal which weight was 14.5 ton, and was plated with 35 kg gold. The flame has 6 meters diameter and consist of 77 concentrated parts.
The standing pillar of Monas which height is 137 meters, symbolizing a rice pestle, while the cup symbolizing a rice barn. Rice pestle and barn are traditional tools to pound rice, figuring out Indonesia as an agricultural country. They’re also regarded as the symbol of Indonesian people’s fertility, and as the symbol of male and female.
Jakarta people usually utilize Monas area as a place for sport activities, in the morning and afternoon time. Most people visit Monas on weekend and holidays.
The Top Yard
You could reach the top of Monas by elevator. Surrounding the elevator there are emergency latter to be used in case of emergency. From the top yard you could enjoy the view of Jakarta City and the wind blowing and caressing your face. In a clear weather you could enjoy the view of Salak Mountain at the south side, the ocean at the north side, and Soekarno-Hatta International Airport at the west side. While you're in Monas area it's recommended to get into the top yard and enjoy the views from the top.
Independence Room
This room is located at the cup side of Monas, and has an amphitheater shape. In this room were kept the map of Indonesia, the red and white flag of Indonesia, the symbol of Indonesia, which is Garuda, and the replica of Indonesian independence proclaim script at the gateway. You could request the officer there to open the gateway so you could see the script replica while listening to the recorded voice of President Soekarno when he was reading the script.
National History Museum
National History Museum located at the baseman of National Monument (Monas). The width of the museum is 6400 meters (80 x 80), and the whole walls, floor, and pillars are top layered with marble. The museum can hold up to 500 people. At the four sides of the museum there are display windows that shows the life and phenomenon that Indonesian people has gone through since Indonesian ancient time.
Park Area
The park area which surrounds the monument is organized nicely. There are several kinds of plants from various region of Indonesia in the park. There’re many seats provided under big trees.  You could see the cultivation of spotted dears that were originated from Istana Bogor, at the park. There’re also pathways structured from green thin stone for you to have your feet massaged by walking on it un-shoes. There’re a pool with fountain and the statue of Princess Diponegoro riding a horse which made of 8 ton bronze medal on the park. This statue was made by Italian artist, Prof. Coberlato as a grant from Dr. Mario, Honores Consulate General in Indonesia. The statue is located near the gate of the tunnel which leads to the monument.
Fountain Attraction
Fountain attraction conducted at Monas Park on every Saturday and Sunday, started from 07:00pm to 08:00pm.
Duration of the attraction take about 35 minutes, accompanied by several songs like Jali-Jali, Lenggak-Lenggok Jakarta, Kopi Dangdut, Lambadia, Winter game, dan Rocketer.


Monash Building Surveying provides services to the community including building advice and issuing building permits within the Monash municipality for all types of construction (domestic and commercial/industrial).
Council's Building Surveyors and Inspectors ensure compliance with building legislation and other related Acts and Regulations to meet Council's statutory obligations and to enhance Monash as a safe, well planned and liveable city.
A range of other consultative services are available including advice relating to report and consents, smoke alarms, swimming pools, shared accommodation and essential services.
The building office opens from 8.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Our staff includes a team of registered and qualified Building Surveyors, Building Inspectors and Technical Administration staff who have all relevant experience in assisting with your building needs. Please call for any query pertaining to building matters - 9518 3476.

Monash Civic Centre, 293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley
8.30am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (closed public holidays)
Phone: 9518 3555

Monash Planning Scheme

The Monash Planning Scheme, including ResCode, has been approved in accordance with the Victorian Planning Provisions at the direction of the State Government.
The requirements of the Monash Planning Scheme include:
  • Residential Zones
  • Vegetation Protection Overlay controls
  • Heritage Overlay controls
  • Variations to ResCode Standards

Monash Housing Strategy

Monash Housing Strategy - adopted October 2014

Residential zone changes

New residential zones have been introduced across Monash after being approved by the Minister for Planning. Here is more information on the new residential zones

Planning Scheme Amendments
The list of proposed amendments to the Monash Planning Scheme is published when on public exhibition.
Specific detail about each amendment, including the relevant documents, can be viewed and downloaded as required.
Should you have any questions regarding these proposed amendments to the Monash Planning Scheme you should contact Council's Strategic Planning Section by phone on 9518 3250, or by visiting the Customer Service at 293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley during office hours between 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Structure Plan

This is a list of existing and proposed Structure Plans for the City of Monash's Activity Centres.
Sections of each Structure Plan can be viewed and downloaded as required.
If you have any questions regarding these amendments to the Monash Planning Scheme you should contact Council's Strategic Planning Section on 9518 3250, or by visiting the Civic Centre at 293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley during office hours between 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Monash Heritage Study

Within the Oakleigh area, whose township is one of the oldest in Melbourne, Council has identified six precincts as worthy of consideration for heritage protection through including a Heritage Overlay in the Monash Planning Scheme.
What Council has tried to achieve through the Heritage Overlay is the preservation of the unique character of these precincts or neighbourhoods for the broader community living within them. With this Overlay you are still be able to extend, alter and refurbish your home after gaining a town planning permit.
No permit is required to plant and remove trees, paint interiors and exteriors in any colour or combination of colours you wish or carry out other routine maintenance around your home. Dual occupancy is also permitted if the normal planning requirements are met and the character of the heritage precinct is not adversely affected by the development.
The main change resulting from the Heritage Overlay is that all building demolitions need a planning permit from Council. In determining whether to issue the permit, Council will consider the impact on the surrounding neighbourhood of both the removal of the house and the proposed replacement building/s. Proposed developments that are not in keeping with the precinct's character are unlikely to be approved.


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